Saturday, June 28, 2014

Now Live Black Horse by Addison Kline

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There is no sensation, no experience more delicious and tempting to the senses than the taste of forbidden love. The longing… The desire… The unquenched thirst for his touch. He was the man I was never supposed to love. I was supposed to hate him. I suppose part of me did and that is what made the desire so much more intense. He set a fire under my skin that burned white hot with every smoldering glance. He sets my soul ablaze, the slow burn of passion aching in every inch of my body.

Black Horse. The name haunted my dreams… But regardless of family vendettas, old hurts and contemptuous blood shed, the heart wants what it wants… and mine has a mind of its own and my mind is set on Colton McClain.

His family is known by his father’s nickname: Black Horse. Like one of the four horses flying out of the gates of hell, Tom “Black Horse” McClain ripped my world apart fifteen years ago. I was only seven when I found my mother and father dead in their beds, with Tom McClain standing over them with a blood stained butcher knife. He would have come for me, too, had my brothers not saved me. Seth, my older brother, swooped me up before I had the chance to scream and covered my mouth with his hand.

Tom McClain sought out the services of my father in a time of great need. My father, Nathan Ford, was a highly reputable criminal defense attorney, who took on Tom’s case when he was accused of murdering his wife after she was caught in bed with another man. Tom didn’t have the money to pay for my father’s services, so he took on the case pro bono because he believed in Tom’s innocence. I remember my dad meeting with Tom in his study while my mother looked after Colton, my brothers and I in the kitchen. We had become very close. My brothers once considered Colton their best friend. Not anymore.

My father got Tom off on a technicality. The prosecution had no reliable witnesses and they weren’t about to rely on the testimony of a five year old boy; Colton himself. He had witnessed the whole ordeal himself. How does Tom repay my father for his kindess and generosity? He murdered him in his sleep. He killed Daddy first. Momma screamed when she saw a man standing over her bed, and that is what woke me. In just my nightgown and socks, I tip-toed down the hall past Timmy, Randy and Seth’s bedrooms and as I entered the doorway to Momma and Daddy’s room, Tom McClain plunged a knife through my mother’s chest. My blood ran cold. I tried to scream but no sound would come out. The next thing I knew, Seth had his hand over my mouth and we hid in the hall closet. Tears streamed down my face as my arms and legs shook. I could her Tom’s boot echo against the hard wood floor of the hall.

“Sssh… Don’t say a word…” I remember Seth urging.

The air in the closet was stifling; warm and dead like a coffin. I could hear my brothers’ heavy breathing. Our dog Micah’s frantic barking from the back yard. She knew something was horribly wrong. His bootfalls were getting closer… louder… I took a deep breath and didn’t dare exhale in fear that he would hear me. Somehow, I was able to stifle my tears, but something happened that was out of my control. My thought caught from my sobbing. Tom heard it. The foot steps intensified, beating a path to the closet door. Seth, still firmly holding me, swung around so I was facing the inside of the closet. I focused on the faded floral pattern of the shelf lining that was barely visible in the dark lighting of the closet. I focused on anything but the sound of Tom McClain’s approaching footsteps. Then a loud clicking sound made it impossible. The sound of a shot gun barrel banging into place. He didn’t even bother opening the door.

Bang! Bang! Then silence.

Out of instinct I jumped into the shelf before me and cowered behind the extra blankets mother kept neatly stored on the shelf. I was stunned that I was still alive, until reality set in. Seth had slumped down against the door of the closet, unrecognizable and motionless. The shotgun blast had obliterated his once handsome face.

I am supposed to hate Colton McClain, but I can’t. When the police showed up the next day, they found Colton locked in his father’s pick-up a block away, hungry, thirsty and distraught. He was taken away by the state and put in foster care because none of his relatives wanted to have anything to do with the Black Horse name. Black Horse was caught trying to jump the border with my father’s wallet in his pocket and $10,000 in cash in a duffel bag. He traveled alone, having abandoned Colton in his truck back in Oakely. I guess his boy knew too much. When officials apprehended him, they ran my Daddy’s license and discovered that he was found murdered. Tom pleaded insanity, but after a thorough psychiatric evaluation, it was concluded that Tom McClain knew exactly what he was doing. He was sentenced to prison for twenty years, having received a lenient judge; a rarity in the State of Texas.

My surviving brothers Randy and Tim could never know about Colton and I. They’ve had it out for him for years. Bloodlines run thick around here. The sins of the fathers will forever haunt the sons, and women are to stand back and stay out of the way. Well, I have something to say about that… Fuck that, Colton McClain didn’t murder my family. His father did… and he suffered just as much as we did. Now fifteen years after the crime that screwed both of our lives up royally, Black Horse is getting out of jail. Just four days until his release. Colton wants to hide me. He said we can run… Start over somewhere else. My brothers are armed to the teeth and a war is about to break out. I have no intentions of sitting down or running away like a little girl. We cannot hide from this anymore.

Our past does not own us, and we owe it to our hearts to show the world that love can arise from the darkest of places. We only have to survive to tell the tale.

Addison is SUCH a tease! Check out these incredible teasers for Black Horse!

All About Addison

Addison Kline is an Amazon Best Selling Author who published her first book, Down To You in October 2013. Mark My Words followed in February 2014 and Black Horse is slated for release on June 28, 2014. She is a prolific writer and has many more plans in the works. Later this year, she hopes to release book three in the Love on Edge Series, titled Fighting for Chance. In addition she is working on book two of the Breaking Black series which is currently untitled.

Addison loves to read and will read anything as long as it has a solid plot. Romance novels with no plot annoy her, so she tends to steer towards romantic suspense novels the most. Her favorite authors are Nora Roberts, M. Sembera, S. Donahue and Nicholas Sparks. When she is not reading and writing, she is spending time with her family. Addison lives in Philadelphia with her husband and their children. They love to travel, watch movies and chill out at home together.

Music Featured in Black Horse

Click here for the full playlist!


Addison is giving everyone three chances to get their hands on Black Horse and other prizes!

1. Win a Paperback Copy of Black Horse on Goodreads!

2. Attend the Black Horse Release Party on Facebook for your chance to win a set of Kindle books which includes ALL of Addison's books: Black Horse, Down To You and Mark My Words

3. Check out the giveaway listed below! Addison and her author and blogging friends have come together to create one amazing giveaway to celebrate the readers! There are paperbacks, eBooks, giftcards and swag up for grabs! Check it out and share with your friends!

Release Day Insomnia by Bethany Bazile

Insomnia Release Day

Release Day Event

Book Title: Insomnia 
Author: Bethany Bazile 
Genre: Erotic Romance (Novella) 
Release Date: June 28, 2014 



I was arrogant, pushy, controlling, and I was fine with that. What I couldn't control were my dreams. Memories haunted me there. Even after over a decade, I found I couldn't outrun them. Returning to the place they lived only seemed to trigger a landslide. I couldn't focus, couldn't sleep. Some people drank a warm cup of milk, cuddled up with a book, or threw back a couple shots. 

Me? I fucked my way to sleep. Every single night, I lost myself in pussy. For a long time, it was the only way I knew to get to sleep. But it was getting less and less effective. I slept shorter periods of time before the dreams started. There was only one hope for my insomnia and she was sexy, intelligent, and unexpected. I wanted to exhaust myself in her sexy little body and let her soothe me to sleep. The only problem… she was my therapist, and I’d have to break her code of conduct and totally corrupt her before I made her mine. 

***Warning: This is an Erotic Serial and contains explicit sexual content and language.***

  Meet the Author

Bethany Bazile reads, writes, and lives in the Northeast with her husband and two amazing kids. Her passion for writing was born from a love affair between books and music. She loves books that draw her in and won’t release her until she’s inhaled every word, panting with excitement. Then she realizes the sun came up, but the loss of sleep was so worth it. When she isn't reading, she’s conjuring up steamy love scenes and hot romance stories to share with fellow romance lovers. She can’t function without her cup of coffee and operates on a vampire-like time-frame.



I shrugged, checked my watch, and ran my finger over the ring on my right hand. I watched her put the end of the pen in her mouth and it was all I could focus on. I became completely fucking captivated by the way she bit on it, the tip of her tongue swirling around the stick. Jesus… I shifted in my seat as my erection grew heavy—straining against my jeans. I glanced down at my watch again as a way to stop imagining my cock taking the pen’s place in her mouth. “Are you in a hurry, Mr. Pierce?” I looked up as she uncrossed then recrossed her legs, wiggling slightly in her seat. 

She had a sensual lure to her that cried out to me, and I’d grown tired of beating around the bush. I never had a problem expressing what I needed from a woman, and I wasn’t going to start now. I met her gaze directly, and she was too prideful to look away, but she wanted to. “Xander.” I corrected her again. “What?” She pretended not to have heard me, but she just wasn’t comfortable calling me by my name. “If I have to tell you one more time to call me Xander, I will pin you to your desk and make you scream it until you get it right.” She stared at me, mouth slightly agape and eyes widened. “Excuse me?” “I think I was clear.” She broke eye contact, dropped her notepad on the table in front of her, and rose. She was clearly trying to put some distance between us, but she’d inadvertently gone to stand right in front of the desk I’d referred to.

 “Why are you here, Mr—Xander? What is it you really want?” I smiled as she caught herself from calling me Mr. Pierce again. It was too impersonal, and she used the formality to keep up that cinderblock wall she’d built between us. I rose from the chair and walked over to her. She clutched the edge of the desk and tensed from my violation of her personal space. I leaned into her and she tilted back as far as possible. “I want to sleep, Ms. Shaw, but if I can’t do that…” I trailed my lips across her jaw and took pleasure in the shiver that passed through her body. “I want to fuck.” I bit down on her earlobe. 

“You.” She gasped. “That’s not something I can help you with.” But her tone—all trembling and throaty—told me she ached to offer me some relief. “But you want to.” I licked the soft skin of her neck and felt her jaw muscles tighten as she gritted her teeth. God, how wanted to break her, send her over the edge so she would release those soft moans and let out the claws I knew she hid.

 I slid my hand over the back of her thigh, slowly moving past the silky fabric of her stockings to the warm, soft skin above. I felt heat radiating from her pussy as I slid my finger higher. I buried my head in her neck and focused on burying my finger into her wet heat. I moved my hand over the crotch of her panties, and she jerked as if I’d electrocuted her. 

Fuck… I’d felt the current too. I’ve never wanted to bury my cock in a woman as much as I did this one. What the fuck is it about her? I traced the edge of her panties, and just as I was about to get what I really wanted from Avery, she reached out and put her hand on my forearm. “Xander, please…” Now she calls me by my name.

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Cover Redesign for Invincible by Alana Albertson


Publication Date: March 9, 2014 

Purchase from: AmazonNookKoboiBooks

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I’ll be honest with you—I’m no hero. Sure, the media tries to brand every Navy SEAL as some kind of Batman dressed in cammies. There’s even a line in one of our cadences: Superman is the man of steel, he ain’t no match for Navy SEAL. You’ve seen the movies—we’re infallible, invaluable, invincible. But that night, the one you read about in the papers … all I really wanted to do was get laid. One harmless fuck with an Aruban whore, no strings attached. 

I picked her out of a lineup—wild, dark hair, long legs and a crooked smile. After she sucked me off, I relaxed back onto the creaky, cum-stained cot, thankful for the blissful moments she gave me when I actually forgot for a second the faces of my buddies who died because I made the wrong call, the tears of the children I couldn’t save, and the eyes of the enemies I slaughtered during their last seconds of life. But before I left, her hazel eyes peered into my soul. 

She whispered in a distinct Californian accent, “My name is Annie Hamilton. I’m an American citizen. I was kidnapped on spring break five years ago. You’re my last hope. Please save me.” One desperate plea. This wasn’t a Hollywood blockbuster or a New York Times best-selling thriller. I knew this time there was no room for excuses, no margin for errors. I had one chance to put on the cape and be her hero. Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. 

Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental. 

Expanded edition, with Annie's POV, 15,000 more words, new twist, more emotion. This is a full length novel, 60,000 words. New Adult Romantic Thriller. This book is intended for readers 18+.

About Alana Albertson

alana-195x300Alana Albertson is the former President of both Romance Writers of Americas’s Young Adult and Chick Lit chapters and the founder of Academe Advantage, a college admissions & test preparation company. Alana Albertson holds a Masters of Education from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Stanford University. A recovering professional ballroom dancer, Alana currently writes contemporary romance and young adult fiction. She lives in San Diego, California, with her husband, two young sons, and four dogs. When she’s not spending her time needlepointing, dancing, or saving dogs from high kill shelters through Pugs N Roses, the rescue she founded, she can be found watching episodes of House Hunters, Homeland, or Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Blog Tour Lock and Key by Cat Porter‏

A Contemporary Romance - Motorcycle Club

Releasing June 23, 2014

Love not only stings when you lose it, when it’s ripped away,
but when it first sinks its teeth into you,
it can cut just as raw and sting just as deep.
I had forgotten that.

Fifteen years ago I had survived my Old Man’s murder
and swore to myself never again.
Never again surrender my heart.
Never again sacrifice to the Club.
At least that’s what I always believed.
Then I had to come home,
and my past and present blew up in my face

Who holds the keys to betrayal? To suspicion? To trust?
To brotherhood? To family?
To a bleeding heart?
Right now, I just might.
Some of us have to get really dirty before we can become truly clean.

I was provided a copy of the book by the Author for an honest review.

WOW I just finish reading this book, and I love it, love the characters, and how the book turn out to be, I love how different this book was, I have to say I have read books about MC and I love them, but this one its not what I was expecting, I felt in love with it from the first page to the last, I did not wanted to finish reading this book, I wanted more, I am gone keep this short since I don't want to give anything away.

The story begging with Grace, she left South Dakota fifteen years ago, and now she is back home, cause her sister called her telling her to come back, but before she make it to her sister, she decided to spend the night at a motel, now she is at the bar across from the motel she staying, having few drinks that's when someone ask her drinking whiskey straight up, that's when she saw the good looking man, standing next to her, he introduce himself as Miller, they hit it off and had a night of hot sex, but everything change the next day, when she woke up and saw his tattoo, she notice that it was MC logo of the club that she just to be with her old man, before he got killed, after she seen that she knew she had to get away, and she knew that her life had change once again.

I love it how the Author takes you back into the past, and you get to see how everything start to form, I love the way how Miller and Grace are with each other, I really love and enjoy reading this book, Author Cat Porter THANK YOU for introducing me to this awesome characters and this amazing book love it.

About the Author

I'm Cat Porter. I daydream all the time, 'what if' way too much, and am an incurable romantic. And I don't want to be cured of any of those. Ever. I've always loved to read, and always needed to write. I like to explore what bonds a man and a woman together- the very small things and the sort of epic, the glory and the mess. Oh yeah, plenty of crazy mess. Don't you think?

BLOG TOUR Consolation Prize by Abbie St. Claire‏

A woman who knows that the only guy she ever loved was a cheater and a slime-ball, but hates the idea of being the last one of her friends to be single…

A man who spent years chasing the beauty queen and always coming in second, takes a bet from his friends for a little action. Little does he know that when they up the ante, they also get to pick the girl…

That’s when Miss Pinkhaired Girl suddenly turns into Miss Blue Eyes…

Flynn Davis had spent years waiting on Courtney to give up the chase for the crown and settle down to married life and babies. When they broke up, he thought maybe he’d missed his chance to have the family he always wanted, regardless of how hard his friends, Drew and Allen, tried to hook him up.

Chloe Howard had her heart broken at Moody’s Bar when she discovered her boyfriend cheating on her. She left with tears, he left with a beer in his face. Now, at 29, she’s convinced the only males that give her any attention are her four-legged patients and they can’t talk back.

A bachelorette party brings her to Moody’s Bar once again. A guys night out brings Flynn. Because of a bet, they’re matched up whether they want to be or not, despite how hard they fight it. If only she could remember what happened last night…

I was provided a copy of the book by the Author for an honest review.

WOW I love, love this book, I love the characters, and how the book turn out to be, this boo finish way to fast for me, I remember picking the boo up and reading, and the next thing I know is that their is no more page to turn, I wanted to read more, I am gone keep this short since I don't want to give anything away, ad since it is a short story.

The book begging with Chloe, she is a veteran, she love working with animals, she spend more time on her job than at home, that's how she met him at first, when she got a call from one of the farm, letting her know that one of the horses where acting up, she decide to go their, while she walking the horse around she notice two man staring at her, when she set down on the bench, they came over and introduce themselves, that's when she met Flynn, she did not think she will see him again, but everything change when her friend bachelorette party, Flynn was at the bar with his friends, when they made the bet about getting him a girl for the night, when they pick the person he notice who it was, the only thing different was that she gave him a fake name, and her hair was pink, but what will happened after that night, when the truth comes out, will they work it out or leave it as a one night stand.

I love the way how this book was written, I love how Flynn and Chloe are with each other, and love it how the chemistry is their from the begging I just love the book, Author Abbie St. Claire THANK YOU for introducing me to this awesome characters and this wonderful love story love it.

I'm a Texan through and through.

While I've lived in various parts of the state, Houston is home now, but Dallas is my favorite part of the state and Austin runs a close second. Let's hear it for the HORNS!

The hubs and I enjoy having friends over and our place is kind of a hangout...of sorts. We cook and entertain together.

I want my stories to excite the reader. I love it when readers reach out to me.

I have several things planned for 2014. Up first will be my series of Hook-Ups with Ace's Key, Booty Call and Consolation Prize.

I'm launching a standalone novella series called The KISS ME SERIES. Each novella will be sure to deliver snarky or wild and zainey or erotic twist to romance and perhaps a combo of all of it. First up is KISS ME-MY ASS guaranteed to get the temperature up, if you know what I mean. Releasing in August. It's going to be a party!


There are over 20 books planned in this series, can be read in any order and all have an HEA. 

I am also writing a story for a HOT SUMMER NIGHTS anthology releasing in August.

Stay tuned, 2014 is going to be full of love in all the right places.

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