Monday, February 3, 2014

Blog Tour A Boat Made of Bone by Nicole Grotepas‏


By Nicole Grotepas

New Adult Paranormal Romance/Urban Romance

Published January 13, 2014

Kate Miller has been having recurring dreams about the same man . . . a dead man. Will Hawke, to be exact, a celebrity who died long before Kate had any reason to pay attention to celebrities.
While the night-world she enjoys with Will beckons, her waking world has suddenly gotten intriguing. Ty Watts--a guy with looks that could set a thousand housewives free--just walked into her life. He's got a smile and a secret that begs to be found out.
But is Ty a distraction or a savior?
Kate's dreams threaten to take over. She must negotiate the edge of reality, solve the mystery of her nightly rendezvous with Will and either set him free or lose herself forever in the seductively dangerous world he inhabits.
A Boat Made of Bone is a love story that spans worlds, generations, and reaches beyond death into the realm of fantasy.


 They managed to stay awake till midnight, though Kate’s eyes were heavy and burned for sleep. For a while Kate sat by the fire, leaving Audra in the tent to read, and Kate listened to Ty and Malcolm talking about their top five climbing destinations that they still haven’t been able to hit. They asked Kate what hers were and she had no real answer—dreams like that just made her feel poor. More poor than she liked to acknowledge. She tossed out Hawaii and a couple places that they’d already mentioned. Malcolm teased her that she was just repeating their dream spots.
“No way. I’ve always wanted to climb Kilnsey. Always. I’ve got my top routes planned,” Kate joked.
“Come on, Mal. She’s just started building her dreams around me. No big deal. She’s my favorite belayer.” Ty winked and grinned and Kate took it that he was only teasing her in his own way.
Just before midnight, Kate went back to the tent she was sharing with Audra and saw that her friend had fallen asleep. Kate returned to the fire.
Ty shaded his eyes from the firelight and gazed toward the east. “It’s after midnight and still no sign of the moon. And I don’t have cell coverage. The mountains are absorbing the signal,” he said. “I think maybe my calculations were off.”
“Damn. We’re too early,” Malcolm said.
“We should probably hit the sack. The sun comes up at five—maybe six—and we’ll want to get to the climbing spots before the rush,” Ty said.
“Though you could be wrong,” Kate said, “About the sunrise? You don’t exactly have a stellar record on when celestial bodies will rise and set.”
Kate caught the faintest blush coloring Ty’s stubble-covered cheeks. His eyes flashed toward her and firelight shifted across his irises. 
Malcolm chuckled. “Ooooh, burn.”
“True, but timing the approximate sunrise isn’t rocket science,” Ty said with a grin, pushing himself out of the low camp chair. He stood up, stretched, and dusted his hands off. “I’ll wash these dishes off in the morning, when I’ve got some hot water heated up for breakfast.” He gestured to the camp table where the dinner plates soaked in a pot filled with cold water.
“Great. This isn’t exactly bear or raccoon country. They should be fine out here for the night,” Malcolm said. “If we’re not going for a midnight hike, I’m turning in.”
I knew he’d invite himself. Or maybe he was always invited? Kate thought.
“That’s wise,” Ty said. Kate began to head for her tent, wondering if she should hop down to the bathroom before getting into her sleeping bag. She thought about the condition of the campground bathrooms and decided she could probably get through the night without a visit to the toilets. “Hey,” Ty’s voice stopped her.
She turned. Ty loomed a few feet away. Malcolm had disappeared, which was nice, for a change, though he’d probably materialize out of nowhere when Kate least expected it. “Hey. Uh, well, good night. See you in the morning?” Kate smiled, feeling shy. Audra was probably awake now. She probably sensed a possible romantic scene and willed herself to consciousness just to watch.
“That’s it? No goodnight kiss?” Ty closed the distance between them. His fingers softly circled around Kate’s upper arms. His voice dropped to a whisper, and for that Kate was grateful.

About the Author

Nicole wrote her first fantasy novel in 7th grade on her mother's old Brother typewriter. It was never finished but it strongly resembled a Dragonlance plot and she's forever wondered what happened to the manuscript and Tonathan--the handsome elven protagonist. After living in Nashville where she worked as an editor, she returned to the Utah desert where she was raised. Nicole now lives near the Wasatch mountains with her husband. She writes and raises her son and three cats full time.

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